
Showing posts from December, 2021

Video Outline on how playing board games leads to employee engagement

 Check it and let me know is it good!!

First principle thinking

                                                           First principle thinking      If we have a goal / problem it’s important to learn first principles thinking because they give us a foundation on which we can build our understanding of any problem or anything in this world. Currently the person I hear talking about this most frequently is Elon Musk. The example he gave in an interview I saw related to the cost of batteries that would presumably be used in a Tesla electric vehicle. He mentioned that batteries were expensive, perhaps $600 per kilowatt of capacity, and would always be so. By looking at a battery from first principles Elon talked about asking what are the different components of a battery and what their cost may be on the commodity market. Then by purchasing these components and assembling as needed, they were able to arrive at a much reduced per battery cost. First Principle Thinking is a problem-solving approach that has been passed down through milli